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Lilly Pillys

Resilience Lilly Pilly Sunshine Coast. 'Syzygium australe Resilience'

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Lilly Pilly Resilience

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Resilience Lillypillys thrive particularly well on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland due to their robust nature and adaptability to the region's conditions. These fast-growing plants are not only perfect for creating a lush screen or hedge, reaching heights of over 3m when planted in the ground, but they also possess qualities that make them especially suited for this area.

Similar to Lillypilly Select, Resilience Lillypillys boast larger and glossier leaves, enhancing their visual appeal. Their foliage grows tightly and compactly, with new growth displaying a striking reddish bronze hue, adding a touch of vibrant color to any landscape. Resistant to psyllid pests and other common issues within the genus, they offer a hassle-free gardening experience.

Regular clipping promotes dense growth, making them ideal for creating a thick, lush screen or hedge. Moreover, they exhibit remarkable adaptability, thriving in a wide range of soils and environmental conditions. However, they truly excel in moist, well-drained soil and prefer sun to partial shade, making them perfectly suited to the Sunshine Coast's climate. Additionally, they can be successfully cultivated in pots, making them a versatile choice for hedging in various settings.

How far apart do you plant Lilly Pilly Hedge?

Plant your lillypillys  80cm – 1metre apart to form a thick and dense hedge.

Lilly pilly resilience growth rate.

The resilience lilly pillys are generally fast growing trees. For example a 60cm tree when planted in the ground can reach 2-3metres tall in 12-18 months. Making the effort to provide the right conditions, water and nutrients will determine how fast your lilly pillys grow.

How to plant lilly pillys.

Plant in a sunny position in well draining soil.  Apply mulch and fertiliser around plants and water in well. Water frequently until the lilly pillys are established, around 8 to 12 weeks. Pruning or trimming while the plants are young will encourage more branches which will result in thicker, dense growth.